AmeriCorps VISTA
Founded in 1965, Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is an anti-poverty program designed to provide needed resources to nonprofit organizations and public agencies to increase their capacity to lift communities out of poverty. AmeriCorps VISTA provides opportunities for Americans 18 years or older from a diverse range of backgrounds to dedicate a year of full-time service with an organization (“sponsor”) to create or expand programs designed to empower individuals and communities in overcoming poverty.
AmeriCorps VISTA’s mission is “to improve lives, strengthen communities, and foster civic engagement through service and volunteering.”
Building capacity for public heath
AmeriCorps VISTA has designated PCRH as an Intermediary Host. PCRH works with organizations to place appropriate VISTA members, sparing them the effort of applying directly to AmeriCorps VISTA. We’ll help manage the grant, allowing you more time to make your impact in your community.
Health Access and Outreach Specialist
Health Policy and Research Specialist
From your base in the UDHHS’ main office in Salt Lake City, you will work with PCRH colleagues and community partners to support the reach of PCRH’s health systems support programs. These programs contribute to the financial, operational, and quality improvement success of rural hospitals and clinics. Specifically, you will:
- Address Utah’s health workforce shortages by working with PCRH colleagues and stakeholders that serve on Utah’s Health Workforce Advisory Council
- Develop and implement a monitoring system to oversee execution of PCRH’s new 5-year Rural Health Strategy.
- Develop and implement a system to build the capacity of Rural Health Clinics through site visits, potential webinars, and the PCRH website.
- Implement other relevant projects identified by PCRH Director, Health Systems Support Coordinator, Workforce Development Coordinator, or State Dental Director.
Oral Health Access and Outreach Specialist
From your base in the UDHHS’ main office in Salt Lake City, you will work with PCRH colleagues and community partners to expand the reach of PCRH’s oral health educational, surveillance, and promotional programs. Specifically, you will:
- Create and implement an outreach strategy to increase public awareness of positive oral health hygiene behaviors and promote regular preventive dental services.
- Network and build relationships with important stakeholders
- Work with the Oral Health Team and its contractors to perform an oral health needs assessment and contribute to implementation of the State Oral Health Improvement Plan (SOHIP)
- Implement targeted projects identified by PCRH Director, State Dental Director, Oral Health Educator, or Oral Health Program Coordinator.
It has been a wonderful program and a great fit for me as someone with healthcare and public health background. My supervisor was always accommodating and let me explore different programs and supported my ideas. Without this support, as a budding public health professional, I could not have gained this broad sense of knowledge and understanding of the healthcare system in Utah. This freedom of thought has been vital to me. Above all, it’s a fantastic team.”Prudvi Marneedi, AmeriCorps VISTA, PCRH, 2021-2022
For Employers
Employee Benefits
Program contact info
VISTA Program Coordinator
[email protected]